유틸리티, 정보

PC 용 건반 (피아노) 프로그램 SimplePiano 1.17 + Free Piano

romeo1052 2016. 1. 31. 07:28

 is an aid for anyone learning to play piano and read music.
It shows the notes played on the treble and bass clef staffs.
The notes played are also highlighted on a 60-key on-screen piano keyboard.
You can play it using the keyboard, the mouse, or a MIDI keyboard.
The Circle of Fifths can be displayed, and when a key in it is selected, that key's signature is shown on the staffs.
Any of the eight most-used chords can be selected and played by playing the chord's root key. Chord inversions can also be selected.
A random note reading exercise is included.


C source code





PC 용 건반 (피아노) 프로그램 SimplePiano 1.17 + Free Piano - 데스크탑 자료실 - romeo1052.net



